T7 simulation focus day
T7 simulation focus day Matching Engine Processing Delay
The following focus day scenario will be provided in T7 simulation today:
- Matching Engine Processing Delay - effective 18 March 2025 15:00-16:00 CET
This focus day scenario is performed for the following markets and partitions:
- XEUR: Partition 3 (triggered in AFR)
- XEEE Partition 20 (triggered in G8BM)
- XETR: Partition 51 (triggered in DE0006599905)
- XBUL: Partition 70 (triggered in BG1100017216)
- XMAL: Partition 71 (triggered in MT0000310103)
- XVIE: Partition 81 (triggered in AT0000644505)
- XBUD: Partition 85 (triggered in HU0000074844)
- XLJU: Partition 86 (triggered in SI0031101346)
- XPRA: Partition 87 (triggered in LU0275164910)
- XZAG: Partition 88 (triggered in HRHT00RA0005)
- XFRA: Partition 2 (triggered in DE000A1EWWW0)
Participants are requested to test the system behavior on their side.
More details on the focus days are available in the Simulation Guide, available on the website.