Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)

Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)

Die digitale operationale Resilienz im Finanzsektor (Verordnung (EU) 2022/2554, "DORA"), ist eine EU-Verordnung, die am 17. Januar 2025 in Kraft tritt. Ziel ist es, die Widerstandsfähigkeit, Zuverlässigkeit und Kontinuität von Finanzdienstleistungen in der gesamten Europäischen Union zu stärken. Die DORA-Verordnung soll sicherstellen, dass Unternehmen Cybervorfällen standhalten, darauf reagieren und sich davon erholen können, und zielt daher darauf ab, die Widerstandsfähigkeit, Zuverlässigkeit und Kontinuität von Finanzdienstleistungen in der gesamten Europäischen Union zu stärken. 

Zweck dieser Webseite ist es, häufig gestellte Fragen in Bezug auf die Beziehung zwischen Kunden (in ihrer Rolle als Finanzunternehmen) und der Deutsche Börse AG zu beantworten.

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1. What is an ICT Service under DORA?

Definition: DORA defines an ICT Service as digital and data services provided through ICT systems to one or more internal or external users on an ongoing basis (Art. 3(21) DORA).

Requirements: ICT Services provided by ICT third-party service providers to Financial Entities must comply with Art. 30 DORA.

Examples: Annex III of the Commission Implementing Technical Regulation 2024/2956 (the “ITS”) provides examples of ICT Services, focusing on the information needed for the register as per Art. 28(3) DORA.

Clarification: The European Commission has provided additional guidance on how to determine whether a service received from a financial entity should be classified as an ‘ICT Service’ within the meaning of DORA (the “EU COM Guidance”, cp. 2999 - DORA030 - EIOPA).

2. Which ICT services are provided by Deutsche Börse AG and how is it intended to proceed with such services?

Deutsche Börse AG (”DBAG“) is authorized to operate the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under its exchange license.

In accordance with the EU COM Guidance, DBAG does not consider the core services (such as the operation of a trading system) to be ICT services within the meaning of DORA.

Additionally, in accordance with the EU COM Guidance, DBAG considers its services providing connectivity to its trading venues not to be ICT services within the meaning of DORA.

Accordingly, we consider it not necessary to amend existing contractual arrangements in this respect.

We are closely monitoring the further development of the DORA legislation and the associated administrative practice.  

3. Who should I contact with questions regarding DORA?

For clients of Deutsche Börse AG, your first point of contact is As reference, please mention the market, your Member ID, and the Service you are referring too.

4. Are the services offered under the Vendor Access Agreement to be considered ICT services under DORA?

The Vendor Access Agreement is addressed to vendors. The services under the Vendor Access Agreement are not made available to financial entities. Therefore, the DORA requirements for ICT third-party service providers do not apply.

5. Is DBAG responding to individual requests to fill in the “Provider Questionnaire”?

Due to high inquiry volumes, we cannot fill out individual questionnaires. Please refer to our website, customer portal, or industry sources like the commercial register or SWIFT Registry. To make this convenient to you, sources incl. download links are made available by e-mail on request.

6. Is Deutsche Börse AG compliant with recognized information security standards?

It is one of our main goals to apply the highest security standards to protect our systems and ensure stable market and clearing environments. In order to assist our customers with their due diligence, we have already made a comprehensive catalogue available on request and soon also in our Member Section (under Resources > Compliance > Information Security).



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