Cash Market Readiness Newsflash | MiFID II/MiFIR order flagging requirements: Documentation about historical Short Code corrections and other updates

Release date: 20 Mar 2025

Cash Market Readiness Newsflash | MiFID II/MiFIR order flagging requirements: Documentation about historical Short Code corrections and other updates Cash Market Readiness Newsflash

With this Newsflash, we would like to remind you of the start of the historical correction phase, which begins on 1 April 2025.

A dedicated historical corrections guide and updated client documentation is published as of today. In addition, the new upload functionality service (Short Code and Algo ID upload GUI and CUE) for corrections of registered invalid Long Codes is available. Furthermore, a new validation and respective error code will be introduced with T7 Release 13.1 on 19 May 2025. The report status webpage was restructured, and reports relating to a regulatory obligation are to be found in the new section “Regulatory Reports” separated by Market Identification Code (“MIC”). The Short Code and Algo ID upload Graphical User Interface (“GUI”) will introduce a new feature for Multi-Member users.

A. Historical corrections

Please find several client documentations available on the Xetra website​ as of today under the following path:

Newsroom > Current regulatory topics > MiFID II and MiFIR > Reference data reporting

A dedicated user guide “SCLC 2.0 - Historical corrections user manual” containing all related information and an update to the “SCLC 2.0 - Reporting handbook for audit trail and other regulatory reporting under the MiFID II / MiFIR regime – Version 4.5” are made available on the website. 

The new upload functionality service “EXTREFDH” for corrections of historical Short Code registrations with invalid Long Codes is available on the Common Upload Engine (CUE) and in the Short Code and Algo ID upload GUI. Trading Participants shall use this upload service not earlier than 1 April 2025. Please find updates to the “SCLC 2.0 - CUE validation and file specification Short Code ID and Algo ID – Version 2.2” and “SCLC 2.0 - User guide GUI Short Code ID and Algo ID Upload – Version 1.4” on the website. 

B. New error code in TR160 “TR160 Short Code ID - Error Report”

A new error code 19 “Registration rejected, own LEI not permitted” will be introduced. The registration, correction and modification of a Short Code with the LEI of the Trading Participant as Long Code is not permitted and will be rejected. Only LEIs of clients of Trading Participants are permitted. Please find all valid Long Codes in the updated “SCLC 2.0 - Reporting handbook for audit trail and other regulatory reporting under the MiFID II / MiFIR regime – Version 4.5”, chapter 3.1. The validation and respective error code will be available in the simulation environment on 31 March 2025 and in the production environment on 19 May 2025. Please find the new error code in the T7 XML Report manual and the related XSD on the Xetra website under the following path: 

Technology > T7 trading architecture > System documentation > Release 13.0 > Reports

C. Report status webpage

All regulatory reports and the corresponding status are displayed on the Deutsche Börse website in a new section “Regulatory Reports”, which is separated by MIC. Please find the overview of the reports under the following path:

Markets & Services > Information Technology > Service status

D. Enhancement of the Short Code and Algo ID Upload GUI – Cross Company Access

An enhancement is provided which enables users with permission to access multiple legal entities to upload files, access reports and maintain errors directly for all admitted MemberIDs without needing to log out and log back in with a different account. This modification seeks to ensure eased usability.

If you have questions or require further information, please contact us via e-mail:
Kind regards, 
Your Client Services Team 

Further information


All Xetra® Trading Participants and Vendors 

Target groups: 

Traders, Technical Contacts, Security Administrators, System Administrators, Nominated Persons, General


Web: > Newsroom > Current regulatory topics > MiFID II and MiFIR > Reference data reporting > Markets & Services > Information Technology > Service status 

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