Trading Charity at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange on 6 December

Release date: 04 Dec 2024 | Deutsche Börse Cash Market

Trading Charity at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange on 6 December

- Trading fees on 6 December will go to charitable organisations
- Donation check will be handed over on 11 December

Deutsche Börse and the eight securities trading banks (specialists) on the Frankfurt trading floor will donate all transaction and trading fees from 6 December 2024, to charitable organisations. Anyone trading stocks, funds, ETFs, ETCs, or ETNs at the trading venue Börse Frankfurt on this Friday from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM (bonds: 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM) will support all organisations equally. With the “Trading Charity – Trading and Helping” initiative, the stock exchange operator, specialists, and market participants support the following charitable organisations: Frankfurter Stiftung für krebskranke Kinder, Stiftung Leben mit Krebs, Fußballgruppe “Zurück ins Leben” by FC Germania Okriftel. The donation check will be handed over on 11 December with a Bell Ringing event at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

The Trading Charity was established in 2015. It is a joint initiative of Deutsche Börse and the specialists operating on the trading floor. All market participants contribute to supporting charitable work and strengthening the local community. Since 2015, a total of more than 600,000 euros in donations has been collected on the event days. For more information and a list of participating specialists, visit

Media contact:
Andreas von Brevern
+49 69 21114284

Martin Möhring
+49 69 21116277

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