Eurex expands strategic relationship with MSCI

Release date: 30 Oct 2019 | Eurex

Eurex expands strategic relationship with MSCI

MSCI index-linked ESG derivatives and Total Return Futures to be included

Eurex and MSCI have signed an agreement on the long-term extension of their strategic relationship. In addition to the long-term extension of the license agreement on futures and options, MSCI will license new indexes to Eurex for listed ESG equity index derivatives and Total Return Futures (TRF).

The successful MSCI index-linked product offering at Eurex will be expanded in the coming months to include ESG equity index derivatives. This will serve the strongly growing demand for sustainable investments and the trend towards listed and centrally cleared contracts. The MSCI index-based TRF offering will further strengthen Eurex’s position as the leading exchange in the futurization of Total Return Swaps.

With 120 listed MSCI index-based futures, 20 MSCI index-based options and an open interest of around 2.5 million contracts, Eurex is the exchange with the broadest MSCI index-linked offering tradable on one platform and the highest open interest globally. Only recently, the parties also announced a license agreement for MSCI index-linked dividend derivatives.

Michael Peters, Member of the Eurex Executive Board: “We are very pleased to extend our strong and successful relationship with MSCI. Together, we provide our clients with the most diverse and innovative range of index derivatives, addressing their investment needs on a global scale. Thanks to our portfolio-based margining, they will also benefit directly from cross margining efficiencies with other equity and equity index positions.”

Diana Tidd, Global Head of Index, MSCI: “Today, MSCI and Eurex open a new chapter in our long-term relationship. I am pleased we are able to build upon our previous success and Eurex continues to expand its product offering based on MSCI indexes.” 

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