Deutsche Börse ends financial year 2024 with strong organic growth and announces new share buyback program

Release date: 11 Feb 2025 | Deutsche Börse

Deutsche Börse ends financial year 2024 with strong organic growth and announces new share buyback program

Deutsche Börse Group has just published its preliminary financial results for 2024. Please scroll down for the link to the entire report.

Overview of the results:

  • The Group's net revenue increased by a total of 15 per cent to €5,829 million in 2024; organic growth amounted to 8 per cent.
  • EBITDA of €3,396 million saw an increase of 15 per cent.
  • The Group has therefore significantly exceeded its original guidance for the full year.
  • For the dividend, the Executive Board is proposing an increase to €4.00 per share.
  • In addition, the Group announces a new share buyback program with a volume of €500 million.
  • For 2025, the Group expects further organic growth and net revenue without treasury result of around €5.2 billion and EBITDA without treasury result of around €2.7 billion.
  • Stephan Leithner, Chief Executive Officer of Deutsche Börse AG, comments on the results as follows: “In 2024, we once again significantly increased our net revenue. We have benefited from strong organic growth across the entire Group - even excluding interest income. Our great commodities business, the strong core business of Securities Services and the very good performance of Software Solutions were the main revenue drivers. Through effective management, we minimized organic cost growth and once again achieved a disproportionate increase in profits. We let our shareholders participate in this positive development by increasing the total distribution including share buybacks to a record level of more than €1.2 billion.”
  • Commenting on the outlook, Stephan Leithner says: “We are well on track to achieve our strategic and financial targets for 2026. We have recognized the needs of our customers and offer innovative and high-quality technological solutions - these are our clear strengths. The structural trends in our industry remain fully intact. For this reason, we expect significant organic growth again in the current financial year.”

The Annual Press Conference will take place on Wednesday, 12 February at 10:00 CET.

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