Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation confers the HfG Rundgang Award 2024 to Haben Ghebregziabher

Release date: 15 Jul 2024 | Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation

Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation confers the HfG Rundgang Award 2024 to Haben Ghebregziabher

The Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation has confered the HfG Rundgang Award 2024 to Haben Ghebregziabher for her project “Heim, Heimat, Pfade – was verbindet?”. The prize is given annually to students at the University of Art and Design (Hochschule für Gestaltung, HfG) in Offenbach/Main who engage with the medium of photography. As part of its commitment to supporting young artists, the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation has been awarding the €3,000 prize annually since 2010. The award ceremony took place during the traditional HfG Rundgang (open house tour) in Offenbach on 13 July. This year’s jury members were photographer Barbara Klemm, gallery-owner Peter Sillem, and Anne-Marie Beckmann, Director of the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation.

The jury explained its decision as follows: “In her work, Haben Ghebregziabher explores the question of what a sense of home can be and what meaning it holds. She combines photographs from trips to Eritrea, the country of her family’s origin, with polaroids of her hometown of Darmstadt in Germany and images of culturally and religiously significant objects that she grew up with, which are presented almost like museum artefacts.

Haben Ghebregziabher operates on different levels of photographic representation, using a variety of photographic materials and visual forms of expression. This multilayered approach reflects the complexity of her thoughtful engagement with identity, memory and the medium of photography. Through intriguing yet harmonious presentation of the work, the discrepancy between cultural fragments and individual perception becomes comprehensible when viewing the images, and the personal space of experience expands into a collective one”.

Haben Ghebregziabher was born in 1995. She has been studying photography with Professor Martin Liebscher at the HfG since 2017.

Notes for the editors: 
We are happy to send you press images in print quality upon request. 

Media contact: 
Isabelle Hammer
Phone +49 69 21117014

About the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation

The Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation is a non-profit organisation based in Frankfurt/ Main, dedicated to collecting, exhibiting and promoting contemporary photography. The Foundation is responsible for the development and presentation of the Art Collection Deutsche Börse, whose 25th anniversary it is celebrating this year. The collection now comprises over 2,300 photographic works by around 160 artists from 35 nations. The Foundation shows several public exhibitions a year in its exhibition space in Eschborn near Frankfurt am Main. It supports young artists through awards, scholarships or the annual talent programme of the Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam Foam. Together with the Photographers' Gallery in London, it awards the renowned Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize every year. The Foundation also works on exhibitions with international museums and institutions, as well as creating platforms for academic dialogue and research on photography.

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