Registration as a Designated Sponsor in Swiss Equities 

Release date: 17 Mar 2025

011/2025 Registration as a Designated Sponsor in Swiss Equities  Xetra Circular 011/25

1.    Introduction
From 2 May 2025, trading in Swiss securities will resume on the Open Market, Quotation Board of the Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (FWB®, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange). Trading on Xetra requires the quotation by at least one Designated Sponsor. We will inform you about the possibility of registering as Designated Sponsor in the relevant securities. 

Earliest possible start of trading: 2 May 2025
Earliest possible registration as Designated Sponsor: as of now

2.    Participation requirements

The prerequisite for registration as Designated Sponsor is a valid contract on the assignment as a Designated Sponsor between the Trading Participant and Deutsche Börse AG. Trading in Swiss securities is offered in EUR and is possible for all Xetra Trading Participants.

3.    Details of the initiative
As of now, registrations as Designated Sponsor can be submitted for all Swiss securities via eListing. The publication of all Swiss securities that will be tradable on the Open Market / Quotation Board of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange from 2 May 2025 will take place on 30 April 2025. It is expected that these will be nearly all securities listed in the “Spezialisten-Rundschreiben 01/25” (only in German). You can also find out more about the legal background to the resumption of trading in Swiss securities in the “Spezialisten-Rundschreiben 01/25”.

Trading on Xetra will then commence on the earliest start date set by a Designated Sponsor, but also on 2 May 2025 at the earliest.

If an application is submitted as a Designated Sponsor in a security that has not (yet) been included for trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange by a Specialist on the relevant start date, the registration remains valid for six months and becomes valid on the corresponding date if it is later included by a Specialist within this period.


Further information 


All Xetra® Trading Participants

Target groups: 

Traders, Nominated Persons, General 


Related circular:

 Spezialisten-Rundschreiben 01/25​ (only in German)

Web: > Trading > Trading models > Liquidity through Designated Sponsors

Authorised by: 


Michael Krogmann, Maximilian Trossbach

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